How to make static library for Cocos2d-x

You will easily notice building for Cocos2d-x is so slow. If you use static library for that, the building time will be much faster.


Xcode 7.3
Cocos2d-x 3.10

1. Create new project

Open, then excute command like this below.
$ cocos new TestingProject -p com.Testing.TestingProject -l cpp

2. Open project for cocos2d library

Open the project folder you made, and also you will find sub folder named "cocos2d". Into the folder, there is "build", then open cocos2d_libs.xcodeproj in the folder.

3. Change Preferences in Xcode

Open Xcode -> Preferences... in top menu.
Choose Locations tab, and change Derived Data from Default to Relative.

4. Change one of Build Settings

TARGETS -> Build Settings -> Architectures -> Build Active Architecture Only -> Debug
Change this value to No.

5. Build for devices

Set the scheme libcocos2d iOS > Generic iOS Device. Build it and wait several minutes until done.

6. Build for simulators

Set the scheme libcocos2d iOS > any simulator. Build it and wait.

7. Confirm these files you made

You can find DerivedData folder at the same location as cocos2d_libs.xcodeproj.
Check existing these 2 files below.
DerivedData/cocos2d_libs/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/libcocos2d iOS.a
DerivedData/cocos2d_libs/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/libcocos2d iOS.a

8. Open terminal and change directory

Input command to move Products in DerivedData. Such as,
$ cd /Users/username/TestingProject/cocos2d/build/DerivedData/cocos2d_libs/Build/Products

9. Merge these files

Execute create command like this.
lipo -create -output "libcocos2d-x 3.10 iOS.a" "Debug-iphoneos/libcocos2d iOS.a" "Debug-iphonesimulator/libcocos2d iOS.a"
* You can change "libcocos2d-x 3.10 iOS.a", it's conclusive library name.

10. Move new library

Put new library to out of DerivedData folder. It does not need actually but it will be better to move common place.

11. Return the settings

It's the same as section 3. Just return the setting to Default.

12. Delete cocos2d project into the base project

Open the project you made first, and then Delete cocos2d sub-project.

13. Add your new library to the project

Add libcocos2d-x 3.10 iOS.a to the project.

14. Set the library path

Add the path where libcocos2d-x 3.10 iOS.a is to the below.
TARGETS -> Build Settings -> Search Paths -> Library Search Paths

15. Build the project with your new library

Check the building time!

16. Remove DerivedData

If you moved libcocos2d-x 3.10 iOS.a to common place, the DerivedData as mentioned section 7 can be removed.

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